THIS EASTER!!, CGBC will be having a MUSICAL celebration:) it would be a grand celebration with songs, live band, mime, act, choirs, flags, banners and much much more Come JOIN to know the REAL meaning of EASTER.... its not about bunnies or coloured eggs... Its about the death of JESUS to take away our sin and to pay the ransom for US! WANA KNOW MORE?... COME JOIN US this FRIDAY NIGHT (ADULTs) and... this SAT NIGHT (YOUTHs) on the 2nd and 3rd of April 2010!!! Admission is FREE:D INVITE FRIENDS!!! SEE U ALL THERE:)
Today has been a memorable day for I have lost another "Good Friend" it was a good friend not only to its owner...nor me or my family...but to the whole neighborhood in Arena Kepayang Putra, Fair Park.
Memories of BoYe starts to flash back in my mind... from the very first day she was brought to her new home...and to the last sight of the tall gate I always remember how faithful she was....even when she got many opportunities to escape from her owner...but she didn't..... I also remember the teen age of BoYe...when she start to Jump and Run around...with its burst of energy....and like any other teens...she found her love one...(but did not mate) :P as i said tat she was a loyal dog...she was not a bitch at all...she only love one and the only one...:) but when her owner disallow her to mate...she gave up....and obeyed... She was a very good Example in The HUMAN Life...where we should always obey the higher position in our lives.. Then came the Adult age when BoYe was less active...but still alert... she will bark each time she see some one suspicious and will wag her tail when she see someone she knows But it was the time of Old Age where she begin to sleep alot...and seldom eat.. she still bark with a low frequency...but it was acceptable:)...
Today 23th March 2010 at 1.35pm..Boye was put to sleep...and was laid down to rest...:'( she was carried away by 2 men and was transported to the government animal department using a van...
MY memories with her shall nvr end.... Rest In Peach BoYe... May God Bless You Always..
We were both young when I first saw you. I close my eyes and the flashback starts: I’m standing there on a balcony in summer air.
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns. See you make your way through the crowd and say hello;
Little did I know That you were Romeo; you were throwing pebbles, And my daddy said, “Stay away from Juliet.” And I was crying on the staircase, begging you, ‘Please, don’t go.’
And I said, “Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I’ll be waiting; all there’s left to do is run. You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess It’s a love story – baby just say ‘Yes.’
So I sneak out to the garden to see you. We keep quiet ’cause we’re dead if they knew. So close your eyes; escape this town for a little while. ‘Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter, And my daddy said “Stay away from Juliet,” But you were everything to me; I was begging you, ‘Please, don’t go,’
And I said, “Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I’ll be waiting; all there’s left to do is run. You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess It’s a love story – baby just say ‘Yes.’
Romeo save me; they’re tryin’ to tell me how to feel. This love is difficult, but it’s real. Don’t be afraid; we’ll make it out of this mess. It’s a love story – baby just say ‘Yes.’
I got tired of waiting, Wondering if you were ever comin’ around. My faith in you was fading When I met you on the outskirts of town.
And I said, “Romeo save me – I’ve been feeling so alone. I keep waiting for you but you never come. Is this in my head? I don’t know what to think-”
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said, “Marry me, Juliet. you’ll never have to be alone. I love you and that’s all I really know. I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress; It’s a love story – baby just say ‘Yes.’
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."
"Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you."
"Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can."
"When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us."
"If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down. "
"Fall seven times, stand up eight."
"If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again. "
"The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning. "
"Problems are only opportunities with thorns on them."
"One has to remember that every failure can be a stepping stone to something better."
change your world ipoh was in town on 14-3-2010:) awesome concert... with testimonials... music.... video.... weird hairs... weird wearings... awesome guitars.... awesome bass...awesome drum... awesome voices... and an awesome band..:) NO WORDS BUT AWESOME!
and i got a free CD!!!
meet many Christians friends..enjoyed tat night to the MAX!... thx CYW!... U ROCK!
this song video is specially dedicated to every1 especially those who js got their SPM results...
if u got good results and is currently satisfied...DONT! 4get to thank God for wat he have done for u..
and for those who are down...and sad...heart broken..and much more... dont be disappointed... God is with u... if He has lead u to this path...take it and move on... no turning back... front is the best direction to head now... so stand up and get ur feet moving.. because life does not end here... ALL THE BEST TO EVERYONE IN THE FUTURE...
PLKN..aka NS... more then 2 months of sweat, pain, suffering, nothingness...yet so fun and cool gona tell briefly on my exp in NS tangkas kendiri, kuala kangsar...
1st day was placed in wat we call kompeni...(ALPHA) was placed in doms...(HARUAN) meet new friends.... ceramah here and there... and the start of sleepless nights...
1st week the first week was kinda boring... we were waiting for the rest from other states to "lapur" then more and more ceramah.. we we also brief on rules...teachers name aka jurulatih...and was forced to rmb KK,TKL,TKP names...
2nd-3rd week the start of class activities.. we call it CB class... not wat u r thinking...CB stands for character building class there is 2 moduls... 1st was on self..and the 2nd was in others.....I was in CB class 1... had great fun with new friends..and learn lots of great stuff... besides class...there were "pengenalan aktiviti"...ceramah on wat we r going to face in the camp... this few weeks was fun in the morning and super boring at night...due to boring lectures..
4th-5th week we start to go outdoors after all those boring lectures... we did tali tinggi (flying fox)....tali rendah (kembara halangan)....kayak...rangkit...and more classes...I did dikir barat:) was kinda fun....because all those stuff are things we nvr done or even seen b4... the standard of disciplin starts to sucks these few weeks... our punishments strats to get hash... and all we could think of was CNY holidays... most of us got pist off...(mostly chinese) due to the short CNY holi..which is only 4 days... most of us apply for extra holi..but i did not... and bcause of tat...we got scolding from the "pengerusan"
6th week HOLI! went back games...makan besar.. makan babi...LOL...but no sad..:( went back camp.. I was the first chinese to lapor back to camp:)...
7th-8th week was so called best week... we went out to do khidmat komunity... i went to a children's home in Kuala kangsar js to add a little....i did serve in church in FGA kuala kangsar (as worshiper,OHP and as a prayer warrior) we also have classes on Christianity on thurs and friday nights although the teaching is very basic...but it was a fun time as we call those classes CF..where we fellowship among other Christians and non Christians... at the end of those classes... all praise to God..2 accepted Christ! back to the activities....we also have frequent visits from outsiders... for an example.. BSN, KAD PINTAR, BOMBA, POLIS DIRAJA MALAYSIA, UNIT KESIHATAN and many others.... most brings us benefits...yet some js gave us sleeping potions:P.. b4 the end of the 8th week, many competitions were held... we hade kembara halangan, sukan karnival, dom cantik... but most interesting was.. menembak... i got to hold a live M16 and a M16-a1 and shot real bullets...( was in detail 13 target 6) although its new thing to many...i manage to score 48% on the shooting range... we also have pertandingan kahwad....
the last week the last week was slow... because every1 was thinking of going home... this week was also called a winning week for me... this is because... my kompeni won most of the competitions and we finally crown the champions for siri 7 kump 1 2010 ALPHA...ALPHA PANTANG KALAH! this was a week of stealing too... cos as soon camp was nearing end... lots of stealing cases was reported... but who cares...i got all my things with me:) the last night was also grand... we call it Malam Seribu Kenangan.... we got to where wat we wanted... i wore baju melayu...:P..(NATA-ish) we got lots of performance...and lots of prizes to give away... the program was long... it ended around 2am... but who cares... last night wat... we slept at around 3 tat night...cos we pesta makan:P.. only with 2 hours sleep... we woke up and packed our bags... was kinda emotional... when we bid farewell to each other... at exctly 9am tat morning...i car pool one of my friend back to IPOH MALI... and here i am now Blogging:)
ya..its been long since i blog... 2 and a half months in NS was actually great fun..yet boring at the same time.. not going to touch on NS so much in this post... js wan every1 to know tat i'm back and bald:P.. haha... sry..i wont show my pic..if wan to see how i look...come search for me...and see it LIVE
feel so great to be home.. everything has change... i dono where is evevrything!!... my bed is missing..... my clothes has been reduced by 70% my work place has been dominated by by bro... and best of all... so many new cool gadgets....:)
Tmr will be SPM results day..aka D day... so..i wan to wish every1 all the best.... God bless.... and hope u get wat u wan..:)
A teacher that believes that education should be free and accessible to everyone.
This blog is to inspire students to learn new things every day and to be mindful of improving themselves to be better individuals for the future.
The blog caters the random thoughts and questions that I have about life and interesting answers that I have obtain from the internet.
Learning Never Dies.