Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Small Mind Questions: Angle Parking vs Perpendicular Parking

Problem: Uniten Car Park Issue

Hypothesis: Angle Parking is better than Perpendicular Parking


==== Perpendicular Parking ====

- More cars can fit along the road
- Suitable for 2 way roads

- Practical for high average daily traffic (ADT)

- Harder to park into
- Harder to reverse out off.
- Holds traffic when people are trying to park into it

==== Angle Parking ====

- Easier and Faster to park into
- Requires less road width
- Holds up less traffic when people are parking in
- Suitable for one way traffic flow

- Fit in less cars
- Can't perform reverse parking


Conclusion: Since space is an issue in campus, perpendicular parking is more practical to be implemented. Angle Parking is more suitable for large area with one way traffic flow.

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