Monday, May 23, 2016

Article Review: Psychological Tricks

Could You Stomach the Horrors of 'Halftime' in Ancient Rome?

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Original post:

Article review/summary:

1. For those who find it hard to maintain a soft eye contact, try to figure the eye colour of the person (without making it look like so), and keep smiling all the while.

2. Read feet: If a person turns just the torso towards you and not the feet, they aren’t interested in talking with you.

3. Be memorable: For an interview, be either the first or the last one to attend in order to stay fresh in the interviewer’s brain.

4. While arguing, stand next to the person, not in front of them, to get your point delivered straight to their mind.

5. A mirror behind the counter will show your angry customers their faces, and they will mellow down.

6. Have they not given you a proper answer yet? Stay silent, keep a steady eye contact, it will happen.

7. When someone in a group breaks into laughter, they instantly turn towards the one they like the most in the group.

8. Fake it ’till you make it- Channelize your brain with thoughts of what you want to become. And you will, eventually.

9. Listening to music at a place that affects you adversely, can alter your mood, and change your perceptions of that place.

10. When in a situation that keeps you exhausted, ask yourself “What am I getting out of it?” And you will come up with the solution.

11. Silence is the best way to counter the angry person

12. Kindness is the most docile and effective ‘weapon’ ever. Use it immensely.

13. Ben Franklin Effect- Ask them for a ‘small favour’ and chances are they will come useful to you, repeatedly.

14. People remember how you make them feel, not your words. So, evoke emotions wisely.

15. Refer to people you’ve just met by their names for an instant start of friendship

By Cristin

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Small Mind Questions: Angle Parking vs Perpendicular Parking

Problem: Uniten Car Park Issue

Hypothesis: Angle Parking is better than Perpendicular Parking


==== Perpendicular Parking ====

- More cars can fit along the road
- Suitable for 2 way roads

- Practical for high average daily traffic (ADT)

- Harder to park into
- Harder to reverse out off.
- Holds traffic when people are trying to park into it

==== Angle Parking ====

- Easier and Faster to park into
- Requires less road width
- Holds up less traffic when people are parking in
- Suitable for one way traffic flow

- Fit in less cars
- Can't perform reverse parking


Conclusion: Since space is an issue in campus, perpendicular parking is more practical to be implemented. Angle Parking is more suitable for large area with one way traffic flow.

New LRT line?

Sharing a pic I got from FB regarding the future LRT 3 line.

Article Review: Life after work

After work is what determines your future!

TLDR: The things you do after work (6pm-12am) is what determines your road in life. Your work is just work to sustain life at the present. Things you do after work is your future

1. What you do every night is important

Working- using skills
Night- learning new skills

2. Read more, anything will do!

Keep the habit of reading: Always be ready to answer 'what are you reading now?'
Don't just know stuff, become an expert in it.

3. Do some projects

Using what you learn in practice.
Experiences > Money

4. Actively build your connections

 Accelerate forward through connections

  • contact smart friends, and learn their opinions
  • get information and knowledge that are difficult to obtain
  • help the company look for more potential partners
  • or income generating opportunities

5. The CHANGE of your LIFE starts TONIGHT

 Don't switch off at night, at night is were things really starts.